Personal Branding in PR: Which Fashion Brand are You?

We all constantly hear the term, ”personal brand” and how to create your own. Now some people are not too fond of this concept, while others have thrived off it and built their own self-proclaimed personal brand. After reading numerous articles about this particular topic, it seems to be a good idea to add a little spin to this and turn it into to something more creative and fun. In lieu of the Oscars, and watching the gorgeous dresses inundate the red carpet, this is a time where everyone is talking about the top designers. Choose which brand you are most drawn to and see what that might say about your personality as a PR professional.Chanel-Cruise-2013

Chanel: If you are drawn to Chanel as a company you then you most likely aspire to be seen as the Classy PR Professional. You value class, elegance and feel that professionalism is important in order to have a productive workplace. You feel that exuding confidence is always necessary and are never scared to take the reigns on a challenging project.  Your dominance is seen as a strength, but be careful because it can rub people the wrong way.

Vera Wang: Are you a Vera Wang type of girl? Or shall we say the Coy PR Professional? This might mean that you are bit shy,  at least compared to your fellow peers in the PR world. This does not mean that you do not have a lot to offer or a big personality,  just that you are not the one to offer it up and open up to anyone and everyone. In the workplace you are known for getting a lot done and typically staying out of the office drama. Your demure persona is your strength, just do not let others take advantage of this because some may see this as a weakness.

Alexander McQueen: You might consider yourself as a Daring PR Professional that is not afraid to push the envelope. Your personality speaks for itself and is something that you are not afraid to showcase. The excitement you have about various projects keeps everyone stimulated and having high energy keeps people on their toes. This type of personality is great for PR,  just be careful not to stand in your own way. Some people may see your boisterous personality as off putting  and your daring ways as weakness and perhaps immaturity. Be sure to still remember the importance of professionalism and continue to make bold choices.

Versace: If you are drawn to this fashion house you might be an Extravagant PR Professional.  Your spunky, and sometimes flirty personality can get you into some great networking opportunities and maybe even a few messes too. Those that love this brand are usually vivacious, young spirit that loves working on new projects and can sometimes spread yourself too thin. Your enthusiasm can get you started on a lot of great ideas, but be careful to not have so many that you are not accomplishing anything in the end.

These are all based on personal opinion and understanding. Do not let these constrain you as a professional, but instead broaden your scope. Any others you would like to add?

When it Comes to Interviews Less Really is More, Fashionably Speaking

Now everyone knows that interviews can be nerve-racking, even for the most experienced professionals. There are various sites and paid sessions dedicated to coaching people on how to have a successful interview. There are so many websites and companies focused solely on this subject, this illustrates how nervous and sometimes unprepared a lot of people feel before going into an interview. Recently, PR Daily  posted an article about how to speak body language during an interview. This article breaks it down and gets straight to the point discussing some of the big “No No’s” when it comes to interview etiquette. 

The brief section in the article that talked about ‘Fashionista Blister,’ is a subject  that is important to expand upon. The article made a good point about not wearing something too bold and busy, when it comes to an interview at least. Keeping it simple and wearing muted colors is always a safe route to go. Blacks, cremes, grays, navy, plum and all around neutrals are safe options. The one piece of advice most everyone has heard before is to ‘not wear red to an interview.’ This is not necessarily something that a PR Prima Donna tends to agree with. Now maybe wearing a bright firefighter red is not the best idea, but it is not the worst idea to throw a red accessory in the interview attire mix. When you wear nothing but neutrals you can quickly fall to the back of the pack or be easily forgotten. Yet, on that same note you do not want to be the interviewee remembered for their mustard color dress with a just as colorful blazer. On the other hand, you could be remembered as “Oh yeah, the woman with the unique ring really answered that question well.” May sound a little far fetched, but think about how you remember people you have just met. What was that girl’s name again? You know, the one who was wearing that beautiful emerald green necklace? Be memorable, but for the right reasons.

Always wear something that you feel comfortable in and is not just something you would just use for an interview. The next person walking in could be wearing the same exact thing, but they would never even know because you truly made it your own. What you wear really does reflect how others view you and can either better your chances of getting the job or work against you. The most important thing to keep in my, no matter how cliche it sounds, your personality really is your best accessory especially in an interview setting.

“Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.” — Yves Saint-Laurent

Résumés are Your Runway

In the fashion world most models get booked based on their runway walk/experience. For the rest of us non-models, however, we get hired based on a little item called a résumé.  As everyone knows, résumés are extremely vital and having a good one compared to a great one can mean a world of a difference. There are little steps that you can take that will make a major difference. Pull up your resume and let’s get to work!

First thing to look at on your current résumé is if you have any repeating verbs at the beginning of your statements. For example, “Assisted marketing team…” and then “Assisted with events…” The word ‘assist’ is usually the word most people have on their résumé is often repeated. Even if you find it on their once, it’s not a powerful word, so let’s change it to something that is. There is actually a helpful Government web page that specifically lists different actions words you can use to better your résumé.
For Assisted you could use other words such as:

  • Advocated
  • Assessed
  • Demonstrated
  • Facilitated
  • Guided
  • Represented

Once you have replaced certain words with better verbs then you can really begin to pick apart your own résumé. What is just as bad as boring and bland words? Overused words! PR Daily recently published an article that specifically addressed the most over used words on résumés. The article looks at what to leave out in order to stand out. I think we can all admit that at one time or another “team player” was somewhere on our résumé. In fact, I think it’s still there… The article then breaks it down and that “Working well with others is a must for any role today. Provide examples of how you partnered with colleagues or individuals in other departments to meet an objective,” is a better way to get across the fact that you are indeed a’team player.’

The reason you should do this after you have changed words that you have repeated is so you can really learn what you want to say, but then realize how to say those things even better. The important thing to remember, is not to just always follow the advice of various blogs and websites. The real objective should be to always learn something to where you are then able to apply it in your daily life without having to always refer back to the article or post. Now go out into the work field and strut your stuff!

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”
Coco Chanel

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